Welcome To The New Site!

Greetings friend! Thanks for stopping by the blog. This post is both a welcome to new folks just finding their way to my work as well as a big virtual hug to those who have followed me over to this incarnation of my yoga passion. In either case, I appreciate your presence here in this moment. As I write this, I’m knee deep in refreshing my free Body Karma Healing eCourse for the new site and finally getting this body of work into a book for those who prefer that format. I am also getting my second poem book together. Stay connected for updates by sharing your e-mail HERE if you’re not already on my list.

It’s been about nine months since I last wrote a blog. The symbolism of that time frame is not lost on me. It seems like a huge cycle of death and rebirth has happened, something I believe happens for each of us many times in our lives. Sometimes we allow these cycles, sometime we are forced through them. If you read, or rather listened to, my final Body Karma Healing blog you know that I was on the precipice of big change. The short form of it is, I realized just how much my work was still driven by old patterns of doing too much, pushing too hard, perfectionism, comparison, and that chronic sense of “not enough.” Once I fully acknowledged this to myself I knew I had to step away and focus inward again. I am coming to recognize this cycle needs to happen periodically to stay in balance and be of effective service to others. It seems even more crucial these days that we do our own deep work, which in and of itself is service, and that we share our stories, our passion, our love and learning to inspire and support each other.

The path of yoga in such a gift in my life and yet I see so many students struggle to reap the full benefits. As I took time to rest and reflect, to face and erase the ways of being within me that brought suffering to something I loved, I realized more fully that yoga is just that; a remover of obstacles. Sure I’ve heard that before in teachings but it really sank in that the barriers to deeper peace were mostly within me. I also “got it” that the process of transformation is much more fluid and cyclic than it is linear. Again, these were concepts I was familiar with but needed to live into. I found myself feeling lighter and freer with doing less and allowing for more space, questions and ease instead of feeling anxious letting go of the wheel. It’s amazing how clarity, healing and abundance emerged. More than anything, I realized yoga is all about “getting out of our own way” a phrase my riding coach used to bark at me all the time way back when. He’d be delighted to know I finally get what he meant!

I say all this to express my intent for my work moving forward. It is much the same but with a refreshed awareness of heart and understanding of yoga. My wish is to simply be here for others exploring it. I will share my classes and resources with a hopeful heart that you will find your way to what you need here and/or elsewhere. I will trust that all of us are constantly growing towards the light through our delightfully different, winding (sometimes wild) personal pathways. I intend to continue cultivating and sharing the love that I Am and treating my fellow humans as the same.

Thank you, Julie


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  1. Hi Julie!

    I’m happy to see that you are thriving! If you ever feel like hopping up on a horse again, give me a ring. Seattle is doing REALLY well and Miss P is grand as always. We would love to see your smiling face!


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