

“Coaching is a dynamic partnership that reveals the solutions and resources within you to enhance health, happiness and overall self-empowerment.”

Body Empowerment Coaching

Find lasting peace with your body, food and full creative potential through private Body Karma Healing PEACE Coaching. Over the course of 8 in-depth session you’ll learn how to:

  • shift painful body image, i.e. “feeling fat” to feeling free
  • get support for healing through food/exercise “addictions”
  • break cycles of yo-yo dieting and exercise inconsistency or resistance
  • end food and body preoccupation ie. constantly thinking about these things
  • release chronic feelings of fear, guilt, shame and grief around you body and food 

This experience will also guide you in:

  • breaking life long patterns of self-sabotage
  • developing self-care practices that enhance creativity and resilience  
  • clarifying your life’s purpose and cultivating the courage to pursue it 
  • removing the most common obstacles women face to feeling fulfilled 
  • creating peaceful and productive relationships in all areas of your life
  • serving your family, community and Mother Earth with greater ease

Sessions include:

  • active practice of signature BKH yoga and meditation techniques
  • exploration of traditional yogic philosophy as it applies to your unique journey
  • mindful eating and exercise activities
  • nutrition, yoga and meditation education
  • unlimited access to full BKH e-course (on-line modules with videos and downloadable practice guides)
  • exclusive virtual support throughout enrollment

Body Image Breakthrough Session

Compassionately explore your unique body image experience. Co-create a personalized Practice Plan to jump start your journey to food and body peace. Includes one 2 hour session + one 30min follow up call. 


✨Curious about coaching? Book a free 30min Connection Session✨


Yoga Life Coaching

Yoga is everywhere and for good reason. It’s a powerful tool for wellness on multiple levels. Here’s just a few of the benefits: 

  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mental/emotional health, sleep, and balance
  • Relieves low-back pain and neck pain
  • Relieves menopause symptoms
  • Helps manage anxiety or depressive symptoms associated with difficult life situations 
  • Enhances strength, flexibility, metabolism and immune function

Read more>

Private Yoga Coaching can help you access the magic of the practice exactly as it suits you, even if you already take classes. Sessions begin with gentle breathing exercises to settle in and focus. From there, we explore what most needs attention through an inquiry process. This information directs us in designing a personalized program for you. Whether you need to practice from a chair, are convinced you can’t meditate or have the tightest hamstrings in town, yoga can serve you. Leave with a Practice Plan to work with until we meet again.  Share your goals with me here to explore yoga coaching for yourself.

HAES-based Health Coaching

Not a yoga fan? Cool on the body image front? No problem! As a nutrition professional and ACE Certified Health Coach I guide clients seeking to improve their lives through more traditional pathways of improved nutrition, exercise and well-being habits. My coaching is Health At Every Size based. Whether you want to work on reducing disease risk, improving energy, sleeping better, balancing moods or more, we’ll get clear on your goals and work together to attain them. When your needs call on expertise beyond my scope, I’m tapped into an excellent team of other wellness experts to help us out. 

Email for current pricing sheet on all services.

I can hardly believe the work you do. After our second session I simply felt that I was no longer fighting with my body. I’m not thinking about food nearly as much as I used to. I don’t need it for “comfort” now, rather simply for the energy and pleasure.

Sharon S.-Akron, OH

Julie has a gift for helping me see inside my own heart to the Truth of myself in mind, body and spirit. She’s shown me how to love myself for exactly who I am in every moment.

 Deb B.-Solon, OH

I’ll tell ya what, I couldn’t walk this path without you. The word thanks doesn’t even begin to express my gratitude.

Maureen  J.-Rocky River, OH

I am so excited by the work so far. I feel a shift already in my relationship with my body and general outlook. I’m seeing the value in extending kindness towards myself, which has always been difficult for me.

Susan O.-Brunswick, OH

Julie has been a mentor to me in treating clients with eating disorders. She’s taught me the importance of compassion, to have patience and to expect uniqueness in each individual. She has a heart of gold and the will to help everyone find happiness and joy in life. I encourage anyone struggling with self acceptance or self care to have confidence that Julie can help them make a difference.

Julie Lipowski, RD, LD,

*Clients with active eating disorders are required to have a treatment team in place to engage in PEACE Coaching. Referrals provided as needed and Julie will collaborate with other team members. 
