Kali Ma by Dylan Sara
Are you seeking clarity along your life path? Would you like to be more courageous, creative, confident? Are you ready to shift from surviving to thriving?
Join me for a dance into the essence of four great devis. Ignite your soul through a dynamic asana practice, affirmations, chanting and meditations that connects you to:
- Durga for clarity and confidence around your life purpose
- Kali to identify and courageously remove the obstacles along your path
- Saraswati to get your creative juices flowing and inspire joyful living
- Lakshmi for grace in receiving the gifts within and around you
Goddess Wisdom awakens the body, mind and soul to greater peace, joy and vitality. Available as the framework for private coaching, as a 3-hour workshop or a weekend retreat. The Goddess Wisdom eCourse is under construction with video practices, poems, journal prompts, mantras and more. Stay tuned for upcoming event dates or book this event at your studio or for a private group.